About This Blog

Hello, out there. 
My name is Tamara Reuveni (pronounced Roo-VAY-nee), and I am a compulsive reader and writer. 
I learned to read when I was four years old, and I have been addicted to words ever since. While my friends were begging their parents for speed bikes and video games, all I wanted was more books. Fantasy, history, biographies, poetry. I even read the dictionary from cover to cover. When people talked to me, I would see the words written out in my head. It was a long time before I realized that didn't happen to everybody.
Sometimes I felt as though my whole world was constructed of words, and it still wasn't enough. There weren't enough words in the entire universe to satisfy me, so I started writing words of my own.
Twenty-odd years (some of them very odd) and several hundred notebooks later, I decided, like the Last Unicorn, to go on a quest to find others of my kind.  I advertised a writing workshop in my home. I expected three, maybe four people to show up. I got fifteen. Plus all their imaginary friends.
The Afula Writer's Club has been going strong for three years now. (Afula is the city where I live. A virtual high five to anyone who knows where that is without having to Google it.) It's absolutely free and open to people of all ages. (The club that is, although the city is too.) We feed each other's craving for words, kind of the opposite of an addiction support group. An addiction enabling group. And that's what this blog is as well, except in cyberspace instead of my living room.
So if you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hoper, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer, if you're a pretender, come sit by my webpage, for we are going to have fun.
This blog is not only writing advice, although there will be plenty of that. There will also be book reviews, writing prompts, and articles on topics such as how to make gun powder, how to poison someone without getting caught, and how to give yourself a tattoo. Because writers need to know these things.
If you like what you see, please comment, subscribe, re-share, and generally spread the joy of words. You can also check out some of my fanfiction by following this link.
Now that we're acquainted, let's get down to business.


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