Friday, May 13, 2016

10 Things I Learned From Cordelia Chase

This might be the first in a series of posts about life lessons I learned from fictional characters. It also might be a random idea produced by my state of extreme sleep deprivation. It might even be both. 

Out of all the characters in all the books I've read and all the movies and TV shows I've watched, my favorite is Cordelia Chase. There is absolutely no contest. 
First introduced as a minor antagonist/comic relief in the first season of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", Cordy slowly matured, becoming first a valuable ally to Buffy and the Scoobies, and later a hero in her own right. After high school graduation, (celebrated Sunnydale style with a giant snake demon eating the principal and burning the school to the ground,) she moved to Los Angeles to become an actress. Her rise to stardom was impeded by her total inability to act, but she did get a job as a secretary and demon hunter at Angel Investigations, a detective agency run by another Sunnydale expatriate, the vampire Angel. Over the course of the next five years, she became psychic, got transported to an alternate dimension where a cult of demon priests first made her their queen and then tried to kill her, ascended to a higher plane of existence where she was bored out of her mind, and saved the world several times over. If there was an award for the fictional character who has led the most eventful life, Cordelia would definitely be a strong contender.  
Here are ten important life lessons I learned from Cordelia Chase.  

1) Don't be afraid to ask questions. 
  Image result for cordelia chase quotes Image result for cordelia chase quotes

2) Always find out if the world is going to end before you bother to do your homework. 

3) Don't take crap from anyone. Especially ghosts. 

4) If a bunch of demon priests make you their queen, it probably won't end well, but enjoy it while it lasts. 

5) Never expect a man to change. 

6) Pay attention to your surroundings. 

7) Tact is overrated. 

8) Know the difference between a superiority complex and a crossbow.

9) Admit when you're wrong. 

10) Do your best with what you've got. 

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